Friday, June 08, 2012

DDD 1 - Deliberate Dumbing Down series

This seven-part series of interviews with Charlotte Iserbyt focuses on the intentional decline of public education in the United States.  Find more Enhanced ReCasts at

Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms.  

Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.

Audio tagged by mediamode, May 2012. 

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Chapter headings for this episode:

Music intro starts at 00:21 sec

Intro of Charlotte Iserbyt

download the free pdf of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Why Charlotte became a whisteblower

When did the Sovietizing of our public education begin?

David Hornbeck's book Human Capital and America's Future

Carnegie Corporation recommends schools be used  to change America from a free indiviualistic economy to a socialistic collective economy - in 1934

Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy

Leonard Peikoff's Ominous Parallels

John Dewey in Leipzig learned Pavlov's method and brought it to the University of Chicago

New World Order's education system is outcome-based

Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations sanitize american history books on a regular basis

The four-pronged fork

Marxists in our universities

Wrap-up of part 1


Books mentioned in this episode:

Human Capital and America's Future: An Economic Strategy for the Ninetiesby David Hornbeck

Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff
Ominous Parallels

School of Darkness by Bella Dodd

Education For Destruction by Bessie R. Burchett
(free download pdf)

DDD 1 - download it here or listen below: