Thursday, February 15, 2024

CB11 Chapter Markers Preview


{ "fileName" : "CB11-MagiciansOfMutabilityPt5.mp3", "podcastName" : "mediamode presents", "author" : "mediamode", "waypoints" : false, "description" : "Paul Collins joins Vyz to dig deeper into the Venetian roots of the Magicians of Mutability. This episode is part 5 of \"The Magicians of Mutability.\"\n\nIn the mid 2000's, Vyzygoth had a series of conversations with research writers\/brothers Paul and Phillip Collins on his Grassy Knoll radio show. This wide ranging series provides some now-forgotten history that informs what is happening today.\n\nThe episode originally aired on February 24, 2005. \n\nChapters are back thanks to GarageBand 6.0.5, Podcast Chapters and Podcast Index. ", "version" : "1.2.0", "title" : "CB11 - Collins Brothers series: Magicians Of Mutability Pt 5", "chapters" : [ { "title" : "Radio music intro and chit chat", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 175, "img" : "
", "url" : "", "startTime" : 0 }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=history%20of%20venice&language=all&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "title" : "History of Venice", "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 175, "endTime" : 268 }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/gen\/9\/24-25\/s_9024", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 300, "title" : "Paul means Noah, not Moses", "startTime" : 268, "img" : "
" }, { "title" : "Francesco Zorzi (1st spelling) and Henry VIII", "endTime" : 330, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 300, "url" : "https:\/\/\/searx\/search?q=zorzi+francesco+henry+viii&category_general=1&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=2&theme=simple", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 330, "endTime" : 512, "url" : "https:\/\/\/searx\/search?q=giorgi+francesco+henry+viii&category_general=&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=2&theme=simple", "toc" : true, "title" : "Francesco Giorgi (2nd spelling) and Henry VIII", "img" : "
" }, { "endTime" : 728, "toc" : true, "startTime" : 512, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=giammaria%20ortes&language=en&time_range=&safesearch=2&categories=general", "title" : "Venetian #1 - Giammaria Ortes - the original Malthus", "img" : "
" }, { "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/social-and-economic-policy\/poverty-and-development\/general-analysis-on-poverty-and-development\/48358-now-dangers-of-a-population-implosion.html", "title" : "Now, Dangers of a Population Implosion", "startTime" : 728, "endTime" : 985, "toc" : true }, { "endTime" : 1136, "startTime" : 985, "title" : "Paul Ehrlich - doomsday scientist", "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=paul%20ehrlich%20population%20bomb&category_general=on&theme=oscar&language=en" }, { "title" : "Al Gore - a true believer", "toc" : true, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=al+gore+earth+in+the+balance&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&theme=simple", "img" : "
", "startTime" : 1136, "endTime" : 1499 }, { "startTime" : 1499, "endTime" : 2038, "title" : "The price we've paid for listening to these guys", "toc" : true, "url" : "
", "img" : "" }, { "img" : "
", "title" : "The brothers' book", "endTime" : 2091, "url" : "https:\/\/\/Ascendancy-Scientific-Dictatorship-Examination-Epistemic\/dp\/0595311644\/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KO84W1P03CLK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.N-heraSJlDbRO9Lq7D96S9bVR5mJKJhQEZzjtvy9zLTGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.OxE2iQDp1kXgoDvtGjOgv5n1UpKQ2SyOe3TrSPIPANM&dib_tag=se&keywords=ascendancy+of+the+scientific+dictatorship+collins&qid=1707973503&sprefix=ascendancy+of+the+scientific+dictatorship+collins%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-1", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 2038 }, { "title" : "Paul's book", "startTime" : 2091, "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/Hidden-Face-Terrorism-Engineering-Antiquity\/dp\/140336799X\/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2XFU98USXE8PP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AI2iq-sd69smDPPCfPDOFOpTSvZv888xo7_Z_tnwLXLGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.T010KPsV9t_YzcYHI3lhsps5e_q_FVfuMPhEsVhFBts&dib_tag=se&keywords=hidden+face+of+terrorism+collins&qid=1707973222&sprefix=hidden+face+of+terrorism+collins%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-1", "endTime" : 2121, "toc" : true }, { "title" : "Thanks for sending value back!", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/donate\/?hosted_button_id=PEWVLPLA9GFGY", "startTime" : 2121, "endTime" : 2174, "toc" : true }, { "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "title" : "A medical tale", "url" : "", "startTime" : 2174, "endTime" : 2422 }, { "endTime" : 2563, "title" : "John D. Rockefeller - father of the US pharmaceutical industry", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=john%20d%20rockefeller%20homeopathy&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=2&categories=general", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 2422 }, { "endTime" : 3012, "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 2563, "title" : "Venetian #2 - Paolo Sarpi - founder of Empiricism", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=paolo+sarpi&category_general=1&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=1&theme=simple" }, { "endTime" : 3500, "title" : "Venetian #3 - Gasparo Contarini - protector of Ignatius of Loyola", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 3012, "url" : "https:\/\/\/searx\/search?q=Gasparo+Contarini+Ignatius+of+Loyola&category_general=&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=2&theme=simple", "img" : "
" }, { "endTime" : 3600, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 3500, "title" : "Radio exit music", "url" : "", "toc" : true } ] }