Friday, December 29, 2023

MW44 - Mediamode Writes


If we fail to find peace, we will find ourselves in pieces.

- mediamode's Uncle Lloyd

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Friday, December 22, 2023

CB09 - Collins Brothers series: Magicians of Mutability Part 3


Paul Collins joins Vyz for a discussion of the Venetian Oligarchy, as part of a 10-part series titled "The Magicians of Mutability." This episode contains part 3.

In the mid 2000's, Vyzygoth had a series of conversations with research writers/brothers Paul and Phillip Collins on his Grassy Knoll radio show.  This wide ranging series provides some now-forgotten history that informs what is happening today.

This episode originally aired on February 13, 2005. 

Chapters are back thanks to GarageBand 6.0.5, Podcast Chapters and Podcast Index. 

As a reminder, if you're on an Android device, AntennaPod is the podcast player that correctly displays chapters. If you're on an Apple device, you'll need to download the m4a file from the web site below to have chapters work correctly.

Find other episodes and series under the Pages section on the right. 

Listen below or download it here

Chapter Markers:

00:00:00 - Radio Intro and chit chat 

00:08:28 - John Lord O'Brian - listen up! 

00:12:29 - Running out of time 

00:13:16 - Magicians of Mutability Pt. 3 

00:15:48 - Ba'al worship and Cush 

00:17:07 - The Phoenicians... 

00:17:20 - ...who founded Venice 

00:18:31 - Rosicrucianism 

00:18:42 - Francesco Zorzi 

00:24:45 - Controlling the Reformation through Martin Luther  

00:27:12 - Manichaeism 

00:33:43 - The Gods of Eden by William Bramley 

00:35:29 - Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike 

00:41:15 - Paul and Phillip's book 

00:41:39 - Paul's The Hidden Face of Terrorism 

00:42:56 - Collins Brothers' articles 

00:44:04 - Thanks for sending value back! 

00:44:54 - Back to the Rosicrucians 

00:48:12 - The perfect candidate 

00:54:17 - The end game  

01:00:01 - Ministry of Health - Here We Are 

01:02:18 - We're not of this world 

01:05:01 - Thieves and robbers 

01:13:48 - Killing the messenger to kill the truth 

01:26:58 - What do you think you should do? 

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 John Lord O'Brian - Bain, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 SciFantasy wizard - Prototyperspective, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Ba'al statue - Royal Museums of Art and History, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Phoenician settlements - Encyclopædia Britannica, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Republic of Venice - Ariel196, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Insignia of the Rosicrucian Order - Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 The Protestant Reformation - Ernio48, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons   Manichaean miniture - Shahryâr Zâdag, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 LutherRose - Martin Luther, myself, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Atheism symbol - Original: Unknown Vector: Marekich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Thomas Mathus - John Linnell, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Kiss of Judas - Giotto, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

CB09 Chapters Preview


{ "description" : "Paul Collins joins Vyz for a discussion of the Venetian Oligarchy, as part of a 10-part series titled \"The Magicians of Mutability.\" This episode contains part 3.\n\nIn the mid 2000's, Vyzygoth had a series of conversations with research writers\/brothers Paul and Phillip Collins on his Grassy Knoll radio show. This wide ranging series provides some now-forgotten history that informs what is happening today.\n\nThis episode originally aired on February 13, 2005. ", "author" : "mediamode ", "fileName" : "CB09-MagiciansOfMutabilityPt3.mp3", "title" : "CB09 - Collins Brothers series: Magicians of Mutability Pt. 3", "version" : "1.2.0", "podcastName" : "mediamode presents", "chapters" : [ { "img" : "
", "title" : "Radio Intro and chit chat", "url" : "", "endTime" : 79, "startTime" : 0, "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 79, "endTime" : 119, "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/Phillip-Darrell-Ascendancy-Scientific-Dictatorship\/dp\/B00SB5H1HQ\/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2EZBV860U42Z6&keywords=ascendancy+of+the+scientific+dictatorship+collins&qid=1703175239&sprefix=ascendancy+of+the+scientific+dictatorship+collins%2Caps%2C433&sr=8-3", "title" : "New Chapter", "toc" : false }, { "title" : "New Chapter", "endTime" : 508, "startTime" : 119, "img" : "
", "toc" : false, "url" : "https:\/\/\/Hidden-Face-Terrorism-Engineering-Antiquity\/dp\/140336799X\/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=hidden+face+of+terrorism+collins&qid=1703175392&sr=8-1" }, { "endTime" : 749, "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 508, "title" : "John Lord O'Brian - listen up!", "url" : "http:\/\/\/searxng\/search?q=john%20lord%200%27brian&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general" }, { "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 796, "startTime" : 749, "url" : "", "title" : "Running out of time" }, { "toc" : true, "title" : "Magicians of Mutability Pt. 3", "img" : "
", "startTime" : 796, "url" : "", "endTime" : 948 }, { "title" : "Ba'al worship and Cush", "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 948, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=ba%27al%20worship%20and%20cush&language=en-US&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "endTime" : 965 }, { "startTime" : 965, "toc" : false, "title" : "New Chapter", "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/jos\/3\/10\/s_190010", "endTime" : 1027, "img" : "
" }, { "img" : "
", "endTime" : 1040, "startTime" : 1027, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=phoenicians&category_general=on", "toc" : true, "title" : "The Phoenicians..." }, { "startTime" : 1040, "toc" : true, "title" : "...who founded Venice", "endTime" : 1111, "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=republic%20of%20venice&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general" }, { "endTime" : 1122, "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "title" : "Rosicrucianism", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=rosicruceanism&language=en-US&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "startTime" : 1111 }, { "title" : "Francesco Zorzi", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 1122, "endTime" : 1485, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=francesco%20zorzi%20venecian&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "img" : "
" }, { "startTime" : 1485, "endTime" : 1632, "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=martin%20luther%20reformation&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=2&categories=general", "title" : "Controlling the Reformation" }, { "endTime" : 1675, "startTime" : 1632, "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "title" : "Manichaeism", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=Manichaeism&category_general=on&th" }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/1co\/3\/16-17\/s_1065016", "toc" : false, "startTime" : 1675, "img" : "
", "title" : "New Chapter", "endTime" : 1878 }, { "startTime" : 1878, "img" : "
", "url" : "", "endTime" : 2023, "toc" : false, "title" : "New Chapter" }, { "endTime" : 2129, "title" : "The Gods of Eden by William Bramley", "startTime" : 2023, "url" : "https:\/\/\/stores\/William-Bramley\/author\/B001KCD3D8?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true", "img" : "
", "toc" : true }, { "endTime" : 2475, "startTime" : 2129, "url" : "https:\/\/\/Morals-Dogma-Accepted-Scottish-Freemasonry\/dp\/1774262312\/ref=sr_1_4?crid=PHH15N2TUY56&keywords=albert+pike+morals+and+dogma&qid=1703177114&s=books&sprefix=albert+pike+morals+and+dogma%2Cstripbooks%2C346&sr=1-4", "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "title" : "Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike" }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/Ascendancy-Scientific-Dictatorship-Examination-Epistemic\/dp\/0595311644\/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2V1J1RFLF0OVF&keywords=ascendancy+of+the+scientific+dictatorship&qid=1703177319&s=books&sprefix=ascendancy+of+the+scientific+dictatorship%2Cstripbooks%2C242&sr=1-1", "toc" : true, "title" : "Paul and Phillip's book", "endTime" : 2499, "startTime" : 2475, "img" : "
" }, { "img" : "
", "title" : "Paul's The Hidden Face of Terrorism", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 2576, "startTime" : 2499, "url" : "https:\/\/\/Hidden-Face-Terrorism-Engineering-Antiquity\/dp\/140336799X\/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VU66FN79D01T&keywords=hidden+face+of+terrorism&qid=1703177429&s=books&sprefix=hidden+face+of+terrorism%2Cstripbooks%2C318&sr=1-1" }, { "toc" : true, "title" : "Collins Brothers' articles", "startTime" : 2576, "img" : "
", "endTime" : 2644, "url" : "https:\/\/\/?s=collins+brothers" }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/donate\/?hosted_button_id=PEWVLPLA9GFGY", "endTime" : 2694, "img" : "
", "title" : "Thanks for sending value back!", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 2644 }, { "startTime" : 2694, "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 2892, "url" : "", "title" : "Back to the Rosicrucians" }, { "endTime" : 3257, "title" : "The perfect candidate", "url" : "
", "startTime" : 2892, "img" : "", "toc" : true }, { "title" : "The end game ", "startTime" : 3257, "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=thomas%20malthus&category_general=on&the", "endTime" : 3601 }, { "img" : "
", "title" : "Ministry of Health - Here We Are", "toc" : true, "url" : "", "endTime" : 3738, "startTime" : 3601 }, { "endTime" : 3901, "title" : "We're not of this world", "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/jhn\/17\/20-21\/s_1014020", "startTime" : 3738, "img" : "
", "toc" : true }, { "toc" : true, "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/jhn\/10\/7-10\/s_1007007", "startTime" : 3901, "img" : "
", "endTime" : 4428, "title" : "Thieves and robbers" }, { "toc" : true, "endTime" : 5218, "startTime" : 4428, "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/jhn\/8\/31-59\/s_1005031", "title" : "Killing the messenger to kill the truth" }, { "startTime" : 5218, "img" : "
", "title" : "What do you think you should do?", "endTime" : 6153, "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/luk\/10\/25-37\/s_983025", "toc" : true } ], "waypoints" : false }

Friday, December 15, 2023

MW43 - Mediamode Writes


Joy and suffering dance together long into the night.

- The Irregulars, S1 Ep5

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Friday, December 08, 2023

NI07B - Nazi International series: JPF on TBS, October 1, 2009


Dr. Joseph P. Farrell had a series of conversations regarding his book with Georgeann Hughes on her podcast (The Byte Show).
JPF talks secret physics, black budgets, ops within ops and who's off-world (hint: see series title). We're going off-world in this episode, but eventually we have a nice, smooth landing.
This is especially prescient considering today's global climate, and was originally released October 1, 2009.
Chapters are back thanks to GarageBand 6.0.5, Podcast Chapters and Podcast Index.

As a reminder, if you're on an Android device, AntennaPod is the podcast player that correctly displays chapters. If you're on an Apple device, you'll need to download the m4a file from the web site to have chapters work correctly.

Listen below or download it here

Chapter Markers:

00:00:00 - Intro Music - Be Warned (Trish Daniel) 
00:04:28 - JPF's books and chit chat 
00:11:38 - Georgeann paraphrases Psalms 2:12 
00:12:20 - Today's physics lesson and black budgets 
00:20:29 - Is there something on Mars? 
00:31:43 - An operation within an op within an op 
00:39:11 - How far back does this group 
00:51:12 - Why the search? 
01:00:57 - Are we talking about being off-world? 
01:14:08 - The nature/person distinction 
01:17:45 - JPF's definition of alchemy 
01:21:44 - Theology time 
01:27:30 - The flaw in their thinking 
01:37:53 - Joseph's Giza Death Star 
01:42:47 - John of Damascus' observation 
01:51:48 - How far ahead are they? 
02:15:30 - Support JPF 

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 Be Warned - Zeph Daniel 
 Books of Psalms - Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Condensed matter physics - Romainbehar, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons   Panorama-rama - NASA/JPL/Cornell/Canvin, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 WTC twin towers under construction - Bernard Gotfryd, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Twin Towers-NYC - Carol M. Highsmith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons   WTC7 as Twin Towers collapse - Arianne Cohen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Peter Levenda's books - amazon 
 Lightbulb exposure demo - Monty845, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Nazi Bell - Zusurs, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 World Wall Map - Thomas Kitchin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Nazi International cover - amazon 
 Alchemy elements - Pablo Carlos Budassi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons   
 St. Petersburg Theological - Saint-Petersburg Theological Academy, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Firefeather - FireFeather, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Giza Death Star cover - amazon 
 John (of) Damascus - attributed to Iconographer Ne'meh Naser Homsi., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 
 Progress M1-8 - NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 

Wednesday, December 06, 2023


{ "author" : "mediamode", "podcastName" : "mediamode presents", "fileName" : "NI07B-NaziInternational-JPFonTBS-20091001.mp3", "title" : "NI07B - Nazi International series: JPF on TBS - Oct 1, 2009", "chapters" : [ { "startTime" : 0, "endTime" : 268, "title" : "Intro Music - Be Warned (Trish Daniel)", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 268, "endTime" : 698, "title" : "JPF's books and chit chat", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/about\/", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 698, "endTime" : 740, "title" : "Georgeann translates Psalms 2:12", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/psa\/2\/12\/s_480012", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 740, "endTime" : 1229, "title" : "Today's physics lesson and black budgets", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=the%20philadelphia%20experiment&language=en", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 1229, "endTime" : 1903, "title" : "Is there something on Mars?", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 1903, "endTime" : 1952, "title" : "An operation within an op within an op", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 1952, "endTime" : 1977, "title" : "New Chapter", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : false }, { "startTime" : 1977, "endTime" : 2351, "title" : "New Chapter", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : false }, { "startTime" : 2351, "endTime" : 2975, "title" : "How far back does this group go?", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 2975, "endTime" : 3072, "title" : "Peter Levenda's books", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/stores\/Peter-Levenda\/author\/B000APV41O?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 3072, "endTime" : 3538, "title" : "Why the search?", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 3538, "endTime" : 3657, "title" : "The Nazi Bell project", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=nazi%20bell%20project&category_general=on&t", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 3657, "endTime" : 4448, "title" : "Are we talking about being off-world?", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 4448, "endTime" : 4665, "title" : "The nature\/person distinction", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 4665, "endTime" : 4904, "title" : "JPF's definition of alchemy", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 4904, "endTime" : 5250, "title" : "Theology time", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 5250, "endTime" : 5873, "title" : "The flaw in their thinking", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 5873, "endTime" : 6167, "title" : "Joseph's Giza Death Star", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/Giza-Death-Star-Joseph-Farrell\/dp\/0932813380\/ref=sr", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 6167, "endTime" : 6708, "title" : "John of Damascus' observation", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=on+the+orthodox+faith+john+of+damascus&language=en&", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 6708, "endTime" : 8130, "title" : "How far ahead are they?", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 8130, "endTime" : 8240, "title" : "Support JPF", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/about\/", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 8240, "endTime" : 8325, "title" : "Thanks for sending value back!", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/donate\/?hosted_button_id=PEWVLPLA9GFGY", "toc" : true }, { "startTime" : 8325, "endTime" : 8387, "title" : "New Chapter", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : false } ], "version" : "1.2.0", "description" : "Dr. Joseph P. Farrell had a series of conversations regarding his book with Georgeann Hughes on her podcast (The Byte Show). \n\nJPF talks secret physics, black budgets, ops within ops and who's off-world (hint: see series title). We're going off-world in this episode, but eventually we have a nice, smooth landing. \n\nThis is especially prescient considering today's global climate, and was originally released October 1, 2009. \n\nChapters are back thanks to GarageBand 6.0.5, Podcast Chapters and Podcast Index.", "waypoints" : false }