Wednesday, January 31, 2024

NI09 Chapter Markers Preview


{ "title" : "NI09-NaziInternational-JPFonTBS-20110828.mp3", "waypoints" : false, "author" : "mediamode ", "version" : "1.2.0", "fileName" : "NI09-NaziInternational-JPFonTBS-20110828.mp3", "chapters" : [ { "toc" : true, "title" : "Music Intro - Be Warned (Trish Daniel)", "endTime" : 271, "startTime" : 0, "img" : "
", "url" : "" }, { "img" : "
", "title" : "Georgeann intro and announcements", "startTime" : 271, "url" : "https:\/\/\/donate\/?hosted_button_id=PEWVLPLA9GFGY", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 401 }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=operation+valkyrie", "toc" : true, "title" : "Today's topic - Operation Valkryie", "endTime" : 591, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 401 }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=1938%20munich%20conference&language=all&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "title" : "The 1938 Munich Conference - a bloodless takeover", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 591, "img" : "
", "endTime" : 789 }, { "title" : "1st assassination attempt", "toc" : true, "img" : "
", "startTime" : 789, "endTime" : 927, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=1939%20hitler%20bomb%20plot&language=all&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general" }, { "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=henning+von+tresckow&category_general=&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&theme=simple", "toc" : true, "title" : "Henning von Treschkow tries", "startTime" : 927, "endTime" : 1026 }, { "img" : "
", "endTime" : 1282, "startTime" : 1026, "title" : "Carl Forbes' The Leader and the Damned", "url" : "https:\/\/\/s?k=colin+forbes+the+leader+and+the+damned&crid=206QP7ZGZFSVY&sprefix=colin+forbes+the+leader+and+the+damned%2Caps%2C115&ref=nb_sb_noss", "toc" : true }, { "url" : "
", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 1332, "img" : "", "startTime" : 1282, "title" : "Why kill Hitler? Two reasons (at least)" }, { "startTime" : 1332, "toc" : true, "endTime" : 1435, "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/Reich-Black-Sun-Secret-Weapons\/dp\/1931882398\/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=joseph+p+farrell+reich+of+the+black+sun&qid=1706737289&sr=8-1", "title" : "JPF's Reich of the Black Sun" }, { "url" : "", "startTime" : 1435, "toc" : true, "endTime" : 1528, "img" : "
", "title" : "Reason #2 - Let's make a deal" }, { "startTime" : 1528, "endTime" : 1560, "title" : "Smedley Butler blows the whistle", "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=smedley%20butler", "toc" : true }, { "toc" : true, "title" : "James Forrrestal, the Dulles Brothers and Sullivan & Cromwell", "img" : "
", "endTime" : 1603, "startTime" : 1560, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=james%20forrestal%20dulles%20brothers%20sullivan%20cromwell&language=all&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general" }, { "img" : "
", "title" : "New Chapter", "endTime" : 1622, "startTime" : 1603, "toc" : false, "url" : "" }, { "endTime" : 1646, "title" : "Enter Reinhard Gehlen", "startTime" : 1622, "img" : "
", "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=reinhard%20gehle&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "toc" : true }, { "endTime" : 1947, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=allen+dulles&category_general=&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&theme=simple", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 1646, "img" : "
", "title" : "Allen Dulles refresher" }, { "img" : "
", "url" : "", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 1947, "endTime" : 2027, "title" : "It's just business" }, { "title" : "Martin Bormann's business", "endTime" : 2288, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=martin%20bormann&language=all&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "startTime" : 2027, "toc" : true, "img" : "

" }, { "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=fascism+definition&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&theme=simple", "title" : "What is Fascism?", "startTime" : 2288, "endTime" : 2503, "toc" : true, "img" : "
" }, { "title" : "Hitler - evil genius?", "img" : "
", "endTime" : 2665, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=hitler%20evil%20genius&language=auto&time_range=&safesearch=0&categories=general", "toc" : true, "startTime" : 2503 }, { "startTime" : 2665, "img" : "
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", "toc" : true, "url" : "", "endTime" : 2973 }, { "startTime" : 2973, "url" : "https:\/\/\/search?q=islam+and+nazis&category_general=&language=en&time_range=&safesearch=0&theme=simple", "endTime" : 3072, "img" : "
", "toc" : true, "title" : "Let's not forget this connection" }, { "endTime" : 3274, "title" : "JPF discusses the new books", "img" : "
", "startTime" : 3072, "url" : "https:\/\/\/donate\/", "toc" : true }, { "url" : "", "endTime" : 3347, "startTime" : 3274, "title" : "Ministry of Health - All Things are Possible", "img" : "
", "toc" : true }, { "endTime" : 3660, "startTime" : 3347, "toc" : true, "url" : "https:\/\/\/kjv\/mar\/9\/14-29\/s_966014", "title" : "Mark 9:14-29", "img" : "
" }, { "title" : "Desperation leads to exploitation", "endTime" : 3726, "startTime" : 3660, "url" : "", "img" : "
", "toc" : true }, { "url" : "", "title" : "New Chapter", "img" : "
", "startTime" : 3726, "endTime" : 3784, "toc" : false }, { "img" : "
", "title" : "Find Jesus", "endTime" : 3975, "url" : "", "startTime" : 3784, "toc" : true }, { "img" : "
", "startTime" : 3975, "url" : "", "title" : "What do you do when you can't hang on?", "toc" : true, "endTime" : 4239 }, { "endTime" : 4441, "toc" : true, "title" : "Walk in the Truth", "img" : "
", "url" : "", "startTime" : 4239 } ], "description" : "JPF discusses Operation Valkyrie, which was one of the many internal attempts to assassinate Hitler, and how it was connected to Nazi International.\n\nDr. Joseph P. Farrell had a series of conversations regarding his book with Georgeann Hughes on her podcast (The Byte Show). \n\nThis episode was originally released August 28, 2011. \n\nChapters are back thanks to GarageBand 6.0.5, Podcast Chapters and Podcast Index.", "podcastName" : "mediamode presents" }